ZCS Azzurro's Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) | Commitment to quality and environmental sustainability

ZCS Azzurro has always been dedicated to ensuring the excellence of its products and promoting environmental sustainability. For this reason, the company continuously analyses and certifies its solutions to enhance efficiency, reparability and recyclability.

To achieve these results and scientifically assess impacts, ZCS Azzurro has adopted the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This comprehensive tool is widely recognised as the best method for evaluating the environmental impact of products and services, optimising processes and improving energy efficiency.

ZCS Azzurro's Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) assesses and quantifies the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycle, from raw material acquisition to production, transportation, use, disposal, and recycling.


The benefits of using LCA include waste reduction, decreased greenhouse gas emissions and improved energy efficiency. Additionally, LCA ensures that a sustainable and high-quality supply chain is constructed and maintained over time. This approach creates a lasting competitive advantage through responsible and transparent management of both products and services.

ZCS Azzurro's LCA studies are certified according to the ISO14067 standard and the international EPD ITALY standard (link to EPD website https://www.epditaly.it/ )

Our commitment to the planet

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Read our 2024 Life Cycle Assessment Report ZCS Azzurro LCA