Amani for Africa

ZCS Azzurro Amani per Villaggio Nairobi 1
In 2022 we participated in the project of the Amani for Africa organisation to bring solar energy to their reception centres in Nairobi

We report below the Amani for Africa statement:

‘Now that everything is finally ready, we are happy to be able to officially share the news: since the end of February this year, two of our reception facilities in Nairobi, Anita Home and Kivuli Centre, are each equipped with their own photovoltaic system, tested and now functioning at full capacity.

In Nairobi, the cost of electricity and the many blackouts of the main network have always had a significant impact on the economy and on the daily life of the Amani and Koinonia centres.

This change therefore means no longer having to depend entirely on the local company for the electricity supply of Anita Home and part of the Kivuli Centre. The two facilities now have reduced environmental impact, considerable cost savings, and greater stability, for example of the lighting and refrigerators in the homes and in the medical dispensary. All this translates into an easier life for the children, for the families and educators who take care of them, for all the staff employed in the centres, and for the surrounding community.

This is the result of a beautiful story of meetings, synergies, perseverance, and teamwork among many organisations that in different ways believed in our project, actively participating, supporting it, and carrying it forward with us until its final realisation. It is with pleasure that we mention them all together here, thanking them wholeheartedly. So thanks to EKOenergy ecolabel, Lamborghini and Evolvere, ZCS Azzurro, MBS Consulting, ECORISOLUZIONI in particular in the persons of Dario Sabbadini, Fedro Sabbadini and Andrea Bedodi and Ri-MAFLOW. A special thanks goes to Matteo Leonardi for having conceived and developed this project with us from the beginning.

The project to bring solar energy to Kivuli Centre and Anita Home was also financed thanks to the proceeds from the 2019 Amani Calendar entitled “DARK”, whose theme was indeed the accessibility to electricity and, for this, thanks to all of you who bought it.

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